A tree between two houses can often provide an extra level of privacy for both sides of the fence or at a minimum a better view than a neighbor’s window. While a tree between you and the house next door can have some benefits, it can create problems if that tree becomes diseased, damaged, or weakened.


Dangers Of A Tree That Needs To Be Removed


Trees can become dangerous for a number of reasons such as disease, insect or pest infestation, fungus, rot, damaged or broken branches, root weakness, and leaning. When unaddressed, these issues and among others can lead to property damage, personal injury to you or loved ones, and can even affect the health of surrounding trees or landscaping. A tree showing signs that it needs to be cut down should be carefully monitored and quickly removed, preferably with the help of a professional tree removal company.


Dangers Of A Damaged Tree Between Homes


A damaged tree can cause a number of problems even when it is out on its own in a big yard, but when its nestled between two homes it can put both properties at risk. A dead or damaged tree puts both houses in jeopardy of branches falling onto them or even the whole tree falling over. At the very least, a damaged tree can lean on a fence or even push it over.

Branches that fall on a house could potentially break windows, cause roof damage, rip off gutters, scrape exterior walls, or worse fall on a person standing near by. If the whole tree fell over, the level of damage or injury to each individual property would be so much greater. If the tree is large enough it could cause structural damage to more than just the roof and could even lead to plumbing issues.

If the tree is technically on your property, you will be held responsible for not only the damage to your home, but also for the damage to your neighbor’s home. If the tree is straddling property lines, it could cause more than property damage, it could also result in a conflicting and stressful situation between you and your neighbor.


How Should You Remove A Tree Between Two Houses


If a tree between you and the home next door is showing signs of weakness, decay or if the tree is dead, the most important thing you can do is to act quickly and have the tree removed as soon as possible, especially if there is not much room between the two houses.

Removing a tree is not an easy task when there is nothing in the surrounding area, but it becomes significantly more complicated when there isn’t much room to maneuver. If the proper precautions are not taken or the proper cuts made, the tree could fall on either houses and even cause damage to both houses regardless of which direction it falls.

The best way to cut down a tree between two houses is to hire a professional and experienced tree removal company. Nevada Tree Service in Las Vegas, NV has provided superior tree service since 1962 and has the experience needed to remove a tree regardless of its surroundings.

If your tree is putting your house and that of someone else’s at risk, don’t attempt to remove it yourself. You will only increase the risk of damage to the properties and create a serious risk of injuring yourself or anyone nearby. Before the tree can cause a costly problem or serious injury, call Nevada Tree Service at (702) 433-4700.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Despite taking good care of the trees on your property, there may come a time when a tree will need to be removed. Removing a tree may also be a necessary step in maintaining the aesthetic appeal of a yard or to make space for a new landscaping feature, but it may also be a requirement if a tree is showing signs or symptoms that removal is necessary. While choosing to cut down a tree can be a difficult decision, it is often important in order to protect property, surrounding landscaping, and even people.

Nevada Tree Service specializes in professional Las Vegas tree removal including identifying the signs of a tree that should be cut down. In this post, we will look at three major indications that a tree will potentially need to be removed soon.


When microbes and fungi begin to digest wood, a tree starts decaying.  Trees with signs of decay are not only unpleasant in appearance, but they can also pose a real danger of falling over causing damage to a nearby house or building or even people walking by. Unfortunately, decay is not an issue that can easily be treated and resolved. Decay is a clear sign that a tree will need to be removed quickly. Signs of decay include loose bark, deep cracks or holes in the trunk, mushroom or fungal growth, deadwood, soft or crumbly wood, weak branches, presence of carpenter ants, and damage to the root system. If you see any of these symptoms or suspect potential decay, you should seriously begin to consider having the tree removed. If you are unsure if the negative signs you are seeing on a tree is decay or a treatable disease, contact our team at Nevada Tree Services today. We have the knowledge to identify decay and the experience to remove a tree before it can become a liability.

Invasive Roots

Trees with very large roots can become troublesome for any homeowner. Large invasive root systems can affect the health of a lawn or at the very least make it difficult to mow and maintain. Roots can also grow into cement structures such as driveways or patios and cause cracks compromising their structure. Invasive roots have even been the cause of serious sewer and plumbing problem. Tending to the potential repairs caused by invasive root systems can be expensive and is often only resolved by removing the tree. Nevada Tree Service is able to assess a tree’s root system and help you to determine if it would be best to remove the tree before damage can be done.


Trees that have been damaged or weakened are another clear sign for the need to remove a tree. Trees can become damaged due to severe weather or other incidents. Even root systems can weaken or damage trees. For instance, some trees will develop circle roots that will never be able to support the weight of the tree properly. A tree with extensive damage or inherent weaknesses poses a threat to the safety of your home as well as to those living in it. If you have discovered signs of potential weakness or clear signs of damage, contact Nevada Tree Service to have the tree professionally removed soon.

Las Vegas Tree Removal

Nevada Tree Service offers professional Las Vegas tree removal that is done safely and efficiently in order to prevent damage from a decaying, damaged, or weakened tree. Contact us today at (702) 433-4700 to request a free estimate on tree removal in Las Vegas.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Trees provide many benefits for a property including aesthetic appeal or shade, but there comes a time when it becomes safer to cut a tree down than to leave it. When a tree shows signs that it must be cut down, it is extremely important for homeowners to act quickly and responsibly to ensure that it is removed an accident or hazardous situation can result. Failing to remove a tree can end in costly damage to property or, worse, in injury to yourself or those you love most.


At Nevada Tree Service, we understand the danger presented from trees that need to be cut down, which is why we highly recommend that you act quickly to avoid a dangerous situation. We offer professional Las Vegas tree removal in which our team of professionals will safely and effectively cut down the tree or trees necessary. The following are important signs to watch for if you suspect that a tree on your property may need to be cut down.




A diseased tree can be very dangerous as it presents a greater risk of falling. Disease in the tree can be identified through a number of indications. Among the first signs of disease to check foris the color and condition of its leaves. If the color of the leaves has taken a yellowish or discolored tone, hasstrange nodules, and shows little to no veins, your tree is very likely diseased. Another clear indication of disease in a tree is branches that are weak or trees with branches that seem to fall off frequently. A diseased tree is also prone to have roots, trunk, or branches that are rotting. Diseased trees may also become overtaken with pests such as insects, rodents, scorpions or worms.


Infected With Fungus


Check your tree thoroughly for any fungus growth on the trunk or at the roots. Mushroom growth at the base of tree or even on the trunk is an obvious sign that certain regions of the tree have been infected with fungus and have already started to rot. If you notice widespread fungal growth, then it is highly recommended that you cut down the tree immediately.


Hazardous Branches Or Horizontal Roots


If there are branches overhanging over your home or other structures on your property, you may be forced to cut down the tree as a long-term solution to protect your house or prevent costly repairs. This is especially true if there are too many branches or if the tree itself is permanently slanted in a way that will surely result in branches that will end up growing over your If this is the case, cutting down the branches will only be a temporary solution as they will continually grow back. In contrast, cutting the tree down will ensure that you get preventoverhanging branches from becoming a problem.


Overgrown roots or those growing horizontally can result in damages to property, landscaping, sprinkler systems, plumbing, or even sewer lines. Overgrown roots can also compromise the strength and stability of the tree making it crucial to act quickly in having the tree cut down.


Wrong Type Of Tree


It is extremely important to be sure that all trees planted on your property are compatible with the soil and climate of the area. Trees that incorrectly planted will not grow to their full potential and will be more susceptible to disease or weakness. Cutting down a tree that doesn’t belong will be the best way to avoid potential problems or hazards in the future.


Las Vegas Tree Removal


Nevada Tree Service provides professional tree removal for Las Vegas, Henderson and surrounding areas. If you have a tree that you think may need to be cut down, call us today at (702) 433-4700. We not only have the knowledge to be able to inspect the tree to be sure, but we also have the experience and tools needed to safely and effectively cut it down.


Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Old trees can sometimes feel like a part of the family; they could have countless special memories attached to them or perhaps they’ve simply been on your property for generations. Making the decision to remove an old tree can be more difficult than you would expect, however sometimes it is just necessary.

There are many factors that could require you to have a tree removed. Old trees can develop a number of problems that could affect its health or even make them a danger. Even with regular tree care and maintenance, trees can become infested or grow too big for the area. Those, among other concerns can lead to the hard decision to have a beautiful feature of your yard removed.

Health Of The Tree

Trees, just like any living thing, will decline over time. Trees can develop disease, infestation, decay, or fungi. Signs of an unhealthy tree include decay on the trunk, dead branches, dropping of leaves or sap, and insect infestation. Experienced tree care specialists will better be able to tell you if the tree can be saved or if it is simply time remove it due to these and other concerns.

Tree Hollowness

A hollow tree can be dangerous creating a risk of collapsing. If one-third or more of the tree’s trunk is hollow or rotted, it is probably a good idea to have it removed. While a tree can live for years with a hollow trunk, it is still poses a significant danger that should not be neglected.

Dead Branches

Large trees with broken or damaged branches are a hazard to your property, possessions and any person that comes near to them. If more than 25 percent of the larger branches are dead or damaged, the chances of the tree surviving lessen and the chances of it needing to be cut down increase. Pruning the large dead branches can create the possibility for new growth, helping to extend the life of the tree. Experienced arborists will be able to tell you the potential for new growth or the need to have the tree removed.

Tree Leaning Over

Trees that are leaning over present the greatest risk and provide a significant reason for having the tree removed. Sudden breakage and weakened roots can both contribute to a leaning tree. Trees that lean suddenly in particular should be removed quickly. A good indicator that the tree has leaned too far is if it leans more that 15 percent from a vertical position.

Las Vegas Tree Removal

If you have an old tree on your property that has you questioning if it should be removed, contact Nevada Tree Service today. We have extensive experience in determining if a tree needs to be removed and also in removing trees safely. Call us today at (702) 433-4700 for a free estimate.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

If you’ve recently bought a new home, but the property has too many trees for your liking or trees in poor condition, you might consider hiring professional tree removal service to get your new home ready for you and your family. You may consider removing trees on your property in order to:

Preserve Structure Of The Home

Trees that are too close to the house can cause damage to the house or to other structures on the property. Roots can grow into the foundation weakening the construction of the house. Damaged trees can have large branches break off or fall over entirely causing major damage to the roof and structure of the house. The best way to avoid such potential damage is to remove trees that are too close to the house, especially trees in poor condition.

Prevent Falling

You should also consider removing any trees with a dangerous lean, particularly if it leans in the direction of your house. While some trees may withstand for years with a lean, a lean can be an indication of a damaged tree at a greater risk of falling. If you are unsure whether a leaning tree is putting your property and loved ones at risk, contact Nevada Tree Service to inspect the tree and then give you an honest opinion.

Regulate Moisture

Trees and the subsequent shade provided by them can create dampness in areas directly beneath the tree cover. The presence of constant moisture can slowly result in rot for any wood in the area and create mildew in others. Removing trees will allow sunlight to get through preventing the accumulation of moisture.

Unblock The View

Sometimes tree provide a beautiful view, but other times they can block an even better view. Consider removing trees that are blocking windows or trees that stand in the way of a great view from your porch. Overgrown and poorly maintained trees can negatively affect the curb appeal of your home. Removing unsightly trees will improve the aesthetic appeal of your new home.

Deciding to remove trees can be a difficult decision, but the decision and process can be made easier with an experienced tree removal company. If you have any questions about tree removal on your newly purchased Las Vegas property, whether it to be to ensure safety or improve curb appeal, contact Nevada Tree Service today for an honest opinion and free estimate.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Trees can add both beauty and value to a property, but they can also pose a threat if not properly maintained. If you have trees on your Las Vegas property it is crucial that you maintain them correctly so that they can live a long life without endangering your home or family. Routine tree maintenance and care will improve the appearance and health of the tree, along with improving the condition of surrounding landscaping and preventing damage from dead or decaying branches.

An unmaintained tree in poor condition is sometimes best to remove in order to avoid putting people and the property at risk. However, tree removal can be dangerous if not performed with sufficient knowledge about how to do it properly and safely. Tree removal can be done on your own, but is best done by experienced professionals.

Ways To Maintain Trees

Though there are many ways to maintain trees, two of the most common techniques used include pruning and mulching.

Pruning involves cutting down branches and other sections of the tree and is primarily done to remove any dead or disease-infected parts. If you neglect to prune infected branches, you increase the possibility of disease spreading to other sections of the tree, which can often cause irreparable damage.

Mulching aims at supporting the roots by offering it a cooler environment and making it stronger. To make it more effective, mulch is placed at least 3 inches below the ground level so that the roots of the tree are completely enveloped. Mulch also keeps away weeds from the roots.

Nevada Tree Services offers Tree Maintenance services that will provide regular care for any tree on your property improving curb appeal and ensuring safety.

Ways To Remove Trees

Tree RemovalAn easy way to remove a tree is to fell it. For this, you need to look at whether there is sufficient free area available so that the tree can fall without damaging anything. Then check the lean of the tree and cut it in a way that it will fall in the free area. If there is not enough free area around, you will need to cut the tree in sections.

To remove the stumps manually, you can use using a chainsaw, a shovel and other such equipment. Another option is to use chemicals like potassium nitrate to soften and destroy it completely. You can also choose to burn down the stump by drilling a hole through its center.

Tree removal is best done by experienced professionals, especially if the tree is too big or overgrown to remove on your own. With specialized knowledge and techniques, Nevada Tree Service is able to safely remove any tree on your property.

Contact Nevada Tree Service today for a free estimate on superior Tree Maintenance and Tree Removal services for Las Vegas, Henderson and surrounding areas.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Trees are definitely the source of natural beauty and freshness in your home space. However, at times they grow up in inappropriate areas such as a construction sites. Removing a tree can become really complicated at times even for the tree removing services. These services are well equipped with professional tools and methods that can ease out the process. Tree has its roots spread wide across the larger section of the ground and if it has grown really big, then the equal amount of effort is required to remove it. In this post, we are going to discuss few tips that can help you efficiently while removing the tree.

Las Vegas Tree Removal


  1. Assess The Possibilities

It might be possible that you can keep the tree and instead trim it. Often, it has been found that people fall in complexities of maintaining the tree and finally decide to remove it to avoid the  hassles. In such cases, the tree removal is not among the suggested choices. If the tree has occupied the perfect space, what can be better than that? Take the help of some tree trimming service or you can also do it  on  you own. For this, you would require some mastery over the climbing and balancing. This can be little difficult at first but if you find it really tough, make a call and ask for the professional’s help.

  1. Protect the Environment

Tree removal is not as simple as you expect it to be. It can become really messy at times. It totally depends on the length of the tree, its density and the breed. Some tree have the soft logs while others are very rigid. You may have experienced that a lot of dust, debris and waste tend to get collected during the process. It is advised to cover the nearby lawn, property, buildings and even the passages. The waste consists of wood pieces, insects, branches and chemical used in the cutting equipments. Till the time process continues, try to stay away from the dusty environment

  1. Stay Protected

It is very important to protect you, your family and neighbours during the tree removal. It is possible that unknowingly, you might face a hit. Try to evacuate the area and suggest the same to other people who stay nearby till the process lasts. This can help prevent hazardous situations. A tree removal service is well aware of all the facts and operations that would be required to tackle such situations. If you are somehow engaged in the process, wear safety gears like hard shell vests, respirators, protective eye glasses, impact gloves and hard pants with boots.


Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Do you know how to safely care for and remove trees?

While trees can add value to your home, shade, and in some instances even food, they can also pose a risk if not cared for properly. In the event that you do need help with tree services, we at Nevada Tree Service are here to help. With reliable and experienced professionals, we can perform even the toughest jobs out there.

3 Reasons You Should Remove a Tree

Knowing when you need tree removal is the first step to understanding it. Here are three instances when you should call to have a tree removed from your property:

  • Tree Location – Is there a tree too close to your home? Is it causing cracks in your walls or the foundations of your home? If a tree is not removed, it can cause serious damage to your home, which could be extremely costly if not addressed quickly.
  • Tree Health – Dead trees can pose various risks for damage, especially in the event that they fall. Also, in some instances, trees can be sick, which can translate into damage to the rest of your landscaping. If this is the case, removing the tree is always the best course of action.
  • Tree Debris – Do you have a tree that is always filling your yard with leaves and dead branches? At Nevada Tree Service we understand that some trees cause more work than needed. If this is the case, we can remove the tree and assist in finding a better alternative that is perfect for your yard.

What are the Benefits of Tree Service?

Part of being a homeowner is properly carrying for your landscaping. When it comes to trees in your yard, that includes tree care, tree trimming, root pruning, and many more services that we at Nevada Tree Service provide.

Some of the benefits you will enjoy with regular tree service include a nicer looking yard, longer lasting trees and landscaping, improved shade and look, as well as a general increase of the value of your home. If these sound like the benefits you would enjoy, be sure to give us a call for service in your area!

Are you looking for reliable tree removal and care services in the Las Vegas area? We at Nevada Tree Service are the top in the field of tree removal, care and maintenance ensuring the safety and beauty of your home!

Nevada Tree Service

2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142

(702) 433-4700

No one wants unsightly or potentially damaging trees taking up valuable space in their yard. Rather than risk injury to yourself or your property, a good step is to partner with a specialist in tree removal services. The convenience and quality work offered by a professional in tree care can save you not only time, but resources as well.


Tree Removal Las Vegas

  • Tree stump removal: Tree stumps can be an eyesore in your yard and serve no real purpose. There are several options when it comes to removing a stump, including grinding it down, applying a chemical, or pulling it out from the roots. A trained professional in tree care can present the best course of action for removal of these nuisances.
  • Trees have died: A dead tree is not only unattractive, but has the potential to cause damage. Brittle wood can cause branches or limbs to fall on power lines, vehicles, and people. It is better to take care of the issue now rather than risk injury to your family or property. Tree removal services specialize in evaluating the situation and mapping out the best course of action for the homeowner’s need.
  • Trees are causing damage: When a tree is planted close to structures like homes, outbuildings, and pools, they can begin to cause damage to the property. As the roots come up from the ground, they can lift concrete, creep into underground sewer systems, and even break walls. The solution may lie in pruning the roots or eliminating the issue by removing the tree. Care must be taken during this process to protect the property and the surrounding area.

Partner with a Professional

No matter what issues trees may be causing in your yard, there are solutions available that are practical and affordable. When you partner with a professional in tree removal services like Nevada Tree, you can be sure you will receive the best advice and quality work that will remedy the situation and get your yard back to normal.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700

Unsightly tree stumps can be pesky and inconvenient yard ornaments, and doing the work to remove them may seem daunting. Whether you do the work yourself or rely on a specialist in tree removal, there are solutions for getting rid of these nuisances.


Tree Stump Removal Las Vegas

Here are four ways to remove tree stumps from your yard.

  1. Grinding: Rent a stump grinder from a local retailer or hire a professional who specialize
    s in tree removal to get the job done. The machine works to grind the surface of tree stumps, all the way to the roots.
  2. Burning: This method may seem like the simplest, since you avoid throwing chemicals on the stump and you can save strain on your back. First, contact the local fire department to make sure there are no restrictions for open fires in your area. After you have the go-ahead, lay cut wood on top of the stump and surround it with more wood. Let the fire burn for several hours, then clean out the ash and replace with sawdust.
  3. Digging: Using a shovel, dig around the stump to expose the roots as much as possible. Use a root saw to chop the roots into pieces and pull out what you are able with a grub hoe. When all the roots are removed, pull up the stump, using a shovel if necessary. Fill the hole with sawdust, adding to it as the material sinks down.
  4. Chemicals: Special chemicals, which can be secured through retailers who are knowledgeable about tree removal, are designed to break up stumps and make them easier to remove. Drill a series of holes on the top surface of the stump, spacing them evenly.Apply the chemical remover, being sure to keep kids and pets away from the area. It may take several weeks for tree stumps to soften and begin to rot, and after this time can be chopped with a shovel or ax.

Safety First

Whatever method you decide on, be sure to practice safety first. Wear proper eye wear, protective gloves, and keep the area safe from kids. When in doubt, contact a trusted and professional company like Nevada Tree to handle the job.

Nevada Tree Service
2062 Falcon Ridge Street, Las Vegas, NV 89142
(702) 433-4700